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Product details
File Size: 26744 KB
Print Length: 456 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 2 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
Publisher: Pearson; 12 edition (September 3, 2013)
Publication Date: September 3, 2013
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#530,621 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Perhaps my interest in the subject matter is boosting my personal opinion of the book but i thought the text illustrates the concepts of public relations well and the chapters about public relations writing are actually useful for any writer i feel. I is a bit repetitive when it talks about how to communicate and why because there is a apparently a lot of theory in the field to describe phenomena tat most people understand intuitively but its not too bad. This book has many newer and older editions and i cant speak on all of them (though the editions directly before and after are likely to be very similar) but if you can snag this for 20- 25 dollars on amazon i don't think you'll be disappointed.
I thought the book provided a good basic introduction to what public relations entails. The chapters were pretty quick reads which I appreciated when taking an accelerated 8 wk class. My issue with this product is the accompanying online materials put out by Pearson. The practice multiple choice and T&F quizzes along with the bank of questions used in weekly quizzes for grades had lots of errors. Often, out of a 30 question quiz, there would be three questions that were out and out wrong. I could find the correct answer word for word in the text, and it didn't match the "so-called correct answer" on the quiz. I then had to take the time to document the problem and send to professor for review in order to get back the points lost. This was frustrating for me and the professor. I was not the only one in the class with this issue - so it seems in this new edition to be a rampant problem. I am hoping that the publisher fixes this and that's the reason I'm documenting it here - maybe bad press will get them to do something.One of the tenants of public relations is "no errors" in the communications. Unfortunately - someone didn't take that advice to heart when developing the quiz questions. Frustrating to the nth degree!
When it arrived to me the first chapter was heavily highlighted, which I just attribute to previous renters highlighting on top of each other. Other than the first chapter there's little to no other highlighting. I would recommend renting this book, you may just have to get through the first chapter's highlighting haha. Other than that I have no complaints and I am still using the book.
I ordered a used copy of what I thought was going to be the 11th edition of this book and today received a 7th edition in the mail. I just went to the Marketplace listings from the link provided on Amazon's product page for the 11th edition, and sure enough, the 7th edition is what shows up on the Marketplace page--a change not particularly noticeable if you're not looking for it. In many fields this wouldn't be such a critical problem, but there's nothing in this 1998 edition about Facebook, Twitter, etc. Of course, social media is absolutely essential to the practice of public relations these days. So be careful: if you want to buy this book used, make sure you're getting the edition you think you're ordering!
This book does a great job of emphasizing the distinction between public relations and other forms of communication, which in a nutshell is ethics. Not to say that the notion of ethics cannot be used unethically, but that a good public relations adviser keeps in mind the role that a public's perception of ethics plays in a decision-making process. (Very entertaining too.)
With that being said, I don't think many people out there would purchase this book unless they had to. I was required to purchase this book for a class, and if I read 10 pages out of it; that's a lot.I will say, the book arrived is what I would consider a 7 or 8 out of 10 as far as physical quality.
This was a required text for my intro to PR class and i thought it did a great job at summing up a complicated and sensitive industry.. I've read the whole thing cover to cover and I've referenced it for many other classes too.
Class Publicrelations